Master's Program
The Digital Public Health program provides courses in English.
Le programme Digital Public Health dispense des cours en anglais.
 Version française

➡️ About us

An international multidisciplinary data-centered program on EPIDEMIOLOGY, STATISTICS, and INFORMATICS with authentic case studies from the Bordeaux Population Health research Center (BPH). The Master of Science in Public Health Data Science aims to train future leaders of the Digital Public Health domain (e.g. chief data scientists) by creating a unique program in Europe that strives towards reinforcing the link between research and training based on collaborations with excellent institutions.



Translation of a public health/clinical problem into a research question, including the design of the research plan for surveillance systems, observational and experimental studies (i.e. clinical trials), the evaluation of validity and causality of an association.




Methods for supervised statistical analysis and modelling of biomedical data (including high-dimentional and time-to-event data), statistical learning, data mining, data integration, advances computational statistics.




Methods for supervised statistical analysis and modelling of biomedical data (including high-dimentional and time-to-event data), statistical learning, data mining, data integration, advances computational statistics.




We offer the opportunity to complete a dual degree with McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
Students attend McGill for the first year of the graduate program.
This includes a period (4-12months minimum depending on the degree and internship) of coursework, and international research and practice, in public health data science.
The MSc training covers project design, real life health data analysis and communication of results, with multidisciplinary skills in epidemiology, informatics, and statistics, and provides students with the necessary knowledge about digital technologies and their use in public health research and practice.
At the end of this second year, they obtain a double diploma, one from McGill and one from the University of Bordeaux.
PhD students may also go through this route. In their case, the program requires a first year at McGill University and at least 1 year (minimum) at the University of Bordeaux, with the remaining two years at one and/or the other university depending on the student’s thesis project.


Europubhealth+ - The European Public Health Master

The Master Public Health Data Science is one of the second-year specialisations of the European Public Health Master.

This unique multilingual two-year Master programme offers a comprehensive competency-based curriculum and awards a dual degree from two European universities. The first year is dedicated to the foundations of public health, which a student can acquire at the University of Granada-Andalusian School of Public Health (Spain/courses in Spanish), University College Dublin (Ireland), the University of Liège (Belgium/courses in French), or the University of Sheffield (UK/courses in English). If you are interested in Public Health Data Science (courses in English), you can enroll at Isped for the second year.

You can do your internship at the Bordeaux Population Health research center to complete the Master through research and practice.

Europubhealth+ offers Erasmus Mundus scholarships to selected top-ranked students worldwide.


▶️ International students

➡️ Candidates residing in a country outside Europe, whose country of residence falls under the compulsory “Etudes en France” procedure, must go through the “Etude en France” procedure.
Dates of applications wil be available soon.
For applications concerning the academic year 2025-2026:
- 1st October 2024: opening of the application process
- 15 December 2024: deadline for submission (but depending on the Campus France offices)
- 15 March 2025: deadline for the examination of applications
- 30 April 2025: deadline for decision by the pedagogical commissions
- 7 May 2025: deadline for the opinions of the embassy scholarship commissions
- 31 May 2025: deadline for student decision

More information on: CampusFrance


➡️ International candidates whose country of residence does not fall under the mandatory “Etudes en France” procedure will have to follow the eCandidat procedure.
Training fees for international candidates are reported in the dedicated page of the University of Bordeaux".

▶️ Adults in continuous training


Concerns students who have completed their initial studies, who have had a professional experience and who wish to resume their studies:
- Private and public sector employees
- Job seekers
- Non salaried professions (farmers, artisans, traders)
- People registered on their initiative to follow a freely chosen training course
- Beneficiaries of “prior learning validation” (PLV) : Total or partial PLV (from the EU), VAPP (Validation of personal and professional acquired competences) allowing the access to a French diploma).

Important to note: tuitions fees for the master’s program, for adults in continuous training : 250 € (tuition fees) + 4300 € (training costs).
For more information visit:



• PhD positions (half of our students)
• Chief Data scientists (senior)
• Data Analysts/Statisticians (juniors)